Vicki Weiland

April 2, 2010

Nonfiction Book Editor Vicki Weiland helps her clients focus on the vision of their projects

Vicki Weiland is a book doctor/developmental editor and video scriptwriter specializing in fine arts, history, and business.

Vicki Weiland says:

“I am a nonfiction book editor with 30 years experience (including a current draft cookbook!). My most recent credits are: 2048: Humanity’s Agreement To Live Together, J. Kirk Boyd, Univ. of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Berrett-Koehler Publishing, Inc., March 2010); The End of War: How Waging Peace Can Save Humanity, Our Planet and Our Future (endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu), Paul K. Chappell (Easton Studio Press, June 2010); and Building Bridges from Writers to Readers: The 2009 San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology, Elizabeth Pomada and Michael Larsen Co-Founders (SFWC/iUniverse, 2009). ”

Vicki Weiland Writing & Editing
P.O. Box 641796, San Francisco, CA  94164-1796